Our Services
Combined, the staff at Glenn Engineering and Associates, Ltd has over 400 years of expertise in the municipal, civil and environmental fields. The projects types listed below include the Surveying, Mapping, Permitting and Inspection required to execute the project from beginning to end. Glenn Engineering prepares the drawings, specifications, cost estimates and bidding documents.
Established in 1978 – 44 years of unsurpassed engineering expertise with updated ownership.
Construction Services
- Park & Recreational Facilities
- Design
- Rehabilitation
- Trails
- Sports Fields
- Paving
- Road, Street & Public Improvements
- Parking Lot Design
- Demolition
- Planning
- Lead Requirements
- Asbestos Requirements
- Municipal & Public Works Building Upgrades
- ADA Compliance
Water, Wastewater & Utilities
- NASCCO Certified Personnel
- PACP – Pipeline Assessment Certification Program
- LACP – Lateral Assessment Certification Program
- MACP – Manhole Assessment Certification Program
- Right-of-Way Coordination
- Waterlines
- Waterline Design
- Water Distribution System Improvements
- Wastewater
- Wastewater System Design
- Wastewater Treatment Facilities Design
- Wastewater Pump Station Design
- Sanitary Sewer System Improvements
- ALCOSAN Regionalization Expertise
- Pre-Sale Sewage Lateral Inspections
- Sewage Collections Consent Order and Decree Services
- Performance of Sewer System Evaluations of Flow Monitoring and Analyses
- Stormwater
- Storm Sewer System Design & Improvements
- Stormwater Detection Facilities
- General
- Performance of Rate Studies
- Performance of Feasibility Studies and Reports
- Preparation of Annual Reports and Budgets
- Performance of Infrastructure Studies
- Project Representation, Supervision & Inspection
- Municipal Engineering
- City, Township & Borough Engineering Representation
- Provide Civil Engineering expertise to local councils regarding local infrastructure, including but not limited to, streets, sidewalks, waterlines, sewers, street lighting, public parks, etc.
- Apply for local grant opportunities.
- Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
- Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PennVest)
- PennVest has been empowered by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Act to administer and finance the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) pursuant to the federal Quality Act of 1987.
- Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED)
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Housing rehabilitation, public services, community facilities, infrastructure improvement, development and planning.
- Greenways, Trails & Recreation Program (GTRP)
- Planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation, and repair of greenways, recreational trails, open spaces, parks, and beautification projects.
- H2O Programs – The H2O PA was established by the General Assembly in July 2008, The Act provides for single-year and multi-year grants for the construction of drinking water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer projects; the construction or renovation of flood control projects; and the repair of rehabilitation of high-hazard unsafe dams.
- Local Share Account (LSA) – Statewide – The PA Race Horse Development and Gaming Act provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the Commonwealth of Financing Authority (CFA) to support projects in the public interest within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- Allegheny County Economic Development (ACED)
- Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County
- Trail Development Fund. The fund will provide grants to eligible applications for the advancement of trail and active transportation projects in Allegheny County. This funding was established via the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA-T).
- Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF) grants allow municipalities, authorities, councils of government (COGs), non-profit and for-profit businesses to carry out important economic development for current and future use. Administered by the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC), these grants provide financial assistance to entities to facilitate economic development projects in Allegheny County.
- Community Infrastructure and Tourism Fund (CITF) grants allow municipalities, authorities, councils of government (COGs), non-profit and for-profit businesses to carry out important economic development for current and future use.
- Act 152 County Wide Demolition Program
- Active Allegheny County Grant Program (AAGP)
- ALCOSAN GrowGrant Opportunity Expertise – preparation, filing and administration
- Project Coordination Meetings
- MS4 Compliance
- Glenn Engineering provides Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Compliance for multiple municipalities. We provide the necessary Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) to control the quality of the storm water discharged to the storm drains. We provide and maintain documentation for the six (6) required Minimum Control Measures (MCMs).
- Review of development plans for compliance with local and state codes including stormwater management.
Land Development & Mapping
- Erosion and Sediment Control Design
- Stormwater Management Design
- Retaining Wall Design
- Residential Design
- Surveying
- GIS Mapping
- GPS Mapping
- Municipal Zoning Mapping & Compliance Reviews
- Pennsylvania Building Code – Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) – 007244
- International Code Council (ICC) – 8855693
- ICC Certifications:
- Residential and Commercial:
- Accessibility Inspection/Plans Examiner •
- Energy Inspector
- Mechanical Inspection
- Building Inspection
- Building Plans Examiner
- Residential & Commercial Plan Review
- Occupancy Inspections
- Residential and Commercial: